Setup QRadar CE on AWS


V0.1a - pfh - 2017/11/26



QRadar CE download site:

Jose Bravo's Video tutorials:


CentOS install:

QRadar CE install:

QRadar support forum:

Installing QRadar 7.3.0 on AWS:


Before you start, ensure:

  1. You have an AWS Account - this will not work on Free Tier EC2 - so be prepared to pay Amazon.
  2. You have downloaded the QRadarCE ISO (QRadarCE7_3_0_20171013140512.GA.iso)
  3. You have downloaded the QRadar AWS 'helper' (aws_qradar_prep_1_0.tar.gz) from IBM Fix Central ( you will need a (free) IBM ID for this.


Step one - Create a suitable Image



Log into AWS Console and Click on 'Launch Instance'


Select the 'AWS Marketplace'


In the search bar, type 'centos 7 minimal' and hit Enter


Select the 'CentOS 7 (x86_64) - with updates HVM' AMI


Review the information and select 'Continue'


Select 't2.large' as the Instance Type (this is not free tier eligible)

[I would not recommend anything smaller than a t2.large - but feel free to play]


Select 'Next: Configure Instance Details'


Choose all default values EXCEPT 'Auto-assign Public IP' which must be changed to 'Disable'

[You may be able to play with these options, but make sure that the Public IP is not Auto Assigned]


Select 'Next: Add Storage'


Change the 'Root' volume to 80Gb of General Purpose SSD (GP2), check 'Delete on Termination'


Select 'Add New Volume'


Set the 'EBS' volume /dev/sdb to 100Gb of General Purpose SSD (GP2), check 'Delete on Termination'

[If you want to change these values, don't go any lower.

/dev/sda MUST be at least 78Gb or QRadar will not install.

Using 100Gb for /dev/sdb will leave about 30Gb for the Ariel /store partition on /dev/sdb.

To get more event storage space, it's the /dev/sdb you need to make larger.

You MUST have at least 2 disks]


Select 'Next: Add Tags'


(You can add tags here if you like - I didn't bother)


Select 'Next: Configure Security Group'


Set the name to 'SecGrp - qradarCEaws', add a sensible description. Configure the Rules as shown below:

[Again, you may well wish to setup your Security Group differently - this is what I need for my testing, where all my logs are being replayed from my home machine]


Select 'Review and Launch'


Review the information and select 'Launch'


Create a new Key pair and download them

Save the PEM file on your machine. Follow the AWS guidance for conversion and usage. If using PuTTY on Windows, you'll need to convert it with PuTTYgen to a PPK file.


Select 'Launch Instances'


After this screen spins for a while


Scroll to the bottom and select 'View Instances'


Observe the instance with no Name and no Public DNS (IPv4)


Set a name - e.g. 'qrceaws'


Select 'NETWORK & SECURITY' - 'Elastic IPs' From the left of the screen


Select 'Allocate new address'


Select 'Allocate'


Select 'Close'


Select the new Elastic IP


Select 'Actions' - 'Associate address'


Select the Instance and Private IP to use


Select 'Associate'


Select 'Close'


Select 'INSTANCES' - 'Instances' from the left


Observe our Instance now has an IP address


Select the Instance


Copy the Public DNS (IPv4) - bottom right - to the clipboard


At this point, you can SSH to the EC2 instance using the keypair saved and the DNS name copied. The userid is 'centos'


Step two - Prepare the system


I choose to have a small Ubuntu image up on AWS which is storing the ISO and other files, so I don't need to load them up to AWS the whole time. To copy the files across I do the following:

On the centos (QRadarCE) system, find the IP address

$ ifconfig


Then update the Security Group protecting the Ubuntu system to allow SSH from the IP address returned

Create an SSH keypair

$ ssh-keygen

Accept all the defaults, then get the contents of .ssh/ an stick them into .ssh/authorized_keys on the Ubuntu box


Use SCP to get the files into /tmp on the centos box with something like:

$ scp ubuntu@* /tmp/.


Check the ISO isn't broken

$ openssl sha -sha256 /tmp/QRadarCE7_3_0_20171013140512.GA.iso

SHA256(/tmp/QRadarCE7_3_0_20171013140512.GA.iso)= d8a2295f71a8733a56fef6a6f0bbd39302d71f12c71487deadb074a7aa93e6b3


Extract and run the helper - this will reboot the machine

[centos@ip-172-31-26-109 ~]$ pwd


[centos@ip-172-31-26-109 ~]$ tar zxvf /tmp/aws_qradar_prep_1_0.tar.gz

[centos@ip-172-31-26-109 ~]$ chmod +x ./

[centos@ip-172-31-26-109 ~]$ sudo ./ -install

INFO: Discovering non root devices that can be partitioned...

INFO: Found 1 devices.

INFO: Installing lvm tools...

INFO: Partitioning /dev/xvdb and creating LVM groups.

INFO: Making directories and mounting...

INFO: Disabling SELINUX and external repos...

INFO: Enabling root login and ssh password authentication.

INFO: Rebooting to completely disable SELINUX.

PolicyKit daemon disconnected from the bus.

We are no longer a registered authentication agent.



When the system has rebooted, connect to it again and continue

We need to put the CentOS repos back into yum, otherwise QRadar installation will fail

$ sudo cp -r /etc/yum.repos.d.old/* /etc/yum.repos.d/.


Check all is OK by installing 'screen'

$ sudo yum -y install screen

(if you forget this, then the 'setup' script will do it anyway - but it's a good test to check the repos are there and working)


Mount the ISO

[centos@ip-172-31-26-109 ~]$ sudo mount -o loop /tmp/QRadarCE7_3_0_20171013140512.GA.iso /media/cdrom

mount: /dev/loop0 is write-protected, mounting read-only


Step three - Install QRadar CE


Run the setup command

$ sudo /media/cdrom/setup


Read and accept the License Agreement

About to install QRadar Community Edition version

Do you wish to continue (Y/[N])?

'Y' and Enter

Installation will scroll past (with some errors visible) for approx. 15 minutes


The next few screens have a 'quirky' user interface. The TAB key is the one to use if in doubt.



Choose 'normal' and Next

Enter an NTP server (strongly recommended) and Next

IMPORTANT ... DO NOT LEAVE THIS ON 'UTC' - it will fail later.

Choose 'GMT' and Next. You _may_ select a real timezone, but that might fail too. There is a post about this on the developerworks forum.



Keep pressing TAB until you get to Next

You do not _need_ to do this here, but (a) it's good practice and (b) if you don't, you'll be forced to change your password on first logon to the GUI.

Enter the password twice and Next

It looks like the same screen is presented again - it isn't. The first one (Admin) is the 'admin' user for logging into the GUI. The second (Root) one is for the system's 'root' user. The Root one defaults to being the same as the admin one, but you can make it different if you like.



This will start installing more stuff - for about 30 minutes, then the system will reboot itself:


To log into the GUI, you'll build the URL like:, where the bit in the middle is specific to your Elastic IP. You'll need to accept the self-signed certificate.


If you see this:

Then go grab a coffee until it looks like:


Log in with username 'admin' and the password setup above.


Step four - Basic Post-Install tasks

As we are running QRadar in an environment it isn't really designed for (I'm assuming you are not going to leave this running 24 x 7 x 365), we can help it out by configuring a few things

Also, some of the defaults are, IMHO, sub-optimal.


Update the default retention bucket so we don't kill ourselves with our tiny disk

'Admin' tab -> 'Data Sources' -> 'Events' -> 'Event Retention'

Select the 'DEFAULT' line and 'Edit'

Update as below and Save

And 'Save' again - then 'Close'

(If you like, do the same for Flows - but we aren't actually setting up flows - so that won't matter)


Disable auto-updates

'Admin' tab -> 'System Configuration' -> 'Auto Update'


Change Settings


Set 'Frequency' to 'Disabled'

Save and close the window


Disable Coalescing

'Admin' tab -> 'System Configuration' -> 'System Settings'

Change to 'Advanced' view


Under 'System Settings' Change 'Coalescing Events' to No


Disable GUI timeouts

Also in System Settings, under 'Authentication Settings' - set the 'Inactivity Timeout' to 0


While we are in 'System Settings' Consider

·        Setting up SNMP

·        Including headers in CSV exports

·        Enabling X-Force Threat Intelligence Feed


Save and close the window


When you see the yellow flash - Deploy Changes



Disable scheduled reports


Select the 'Reports' TAB

Select all reports which are not 'Manual'

Actions -> Toggle Scheduling


Add a test 'linux' log source and test replayed events to it

'Admin' tab -> 'Data Sources' -> 'Events' -> 'Log Sources'




Save, Close Window and Deploy Changes


Now, go to the 'Log Activity' tab:

Check you can see events going past (i.e. things are working)

Then 'Add Filter'


Set as below:


Click 'Add Filter'

The events should stop.


Reselect 'Real Time Streaming' to clear the view



Now, log into the QRadar console via SSH


[centos@ip-172-31-29-93 ~]$ export user=$RANDOM && echo "<86>$(date +"%b %e %H:%M:%S") testux sshd[$$]: Accepted publickey for U${user} from port 1234 ssh2" >/dev/udp/ && echo U${user}


[centos@ip-172-31-29-93 ~]$


Observe the event on the Log Activity

Or do the same using CygWin on the Windows machine:

$ export user=$RANDOM && echo "<86>$(date +"%b %e %H:%M:%S") testux sshd[$$]: Accepted publickey for U${user} from port 1234 ssh2" >/dev/udp/ && echo U${user}
